I was born in the village of Churu, passed my adventurous childhood in a tea garden in Assam, and spent my teen years in the city of Jaipur. I was then married to my lovely, wonderful husband, Rajesh and had my three amazing kids, Manika, Sejal, and Chirayu. I currently live in New Jersey, USA. My first experience with art was in high school when there was a political curfew, and out of boredom I picked up a pen and copied a cartoon from the newspaper in my notebook. I was amazed at how the time went by and how proud I was of such a simple cartoon. The next day, I started black and white pencil sketching, then colored pencil sketching, and eventully mixed media art. I never had any formal training, but I always had the desire to explore the field and learn more. Fast forward to now, art has become my passion. Art liberates me, brings me inner happiness and peace, and I am extremely proud of myself and all the work I have done.
You can reach me at jainrdimple@gmail.com